Company overview


Company Overview

Product Introduction:
Needle Nonwoven Fabric, Hot Melt Nonwoven Fabric, Sound absorption, Sound insulation materials, Molding, Furniture, Building materials, HOME KOBO (Bedroom Furniture), etc.

Company Basic Information

Established: 2002

Capital: NT$120,000,000

Tainan Factory                          Taoyuan Factory    

Land area: 5,700㎡                         Land area: 7,500㎡

Factory room area: 9,000㎡         Factory room area: 5,400㎡      

Welfare System 

Reward Benefits: Extra Pay, Full-Time Reward, Yearly Reward, Three-Year Reward

Holiday Benefits: Two Days Off per Week Insurance benefits: Labor insurance, health insurance, employee/family insurance, labor retirement benefits

Food and beverage benefits: free meals
Clothing benefits: employee uniforms

Subsidized benefits: employee marriage subsidy, child rearing subsidy, child education subsidy, employee on-the-job education and training, employee and family funeral subsidy


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